Friday, June 15, 2007


It was just announced today that we were one of the recipients of a planning grant for the STARS program through CTNS!!! You can see the list of the recipients here. Our grant is on the rationality of ultimate value, which seeks to bring together work in virtue ethics, especially the work of Linda Zagzebski, with decision neuroscience. It should make for a busy summer, but I'm excited about the possibilities for this new research.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My dissertation

For those interested, here is a link to a great article on the cognitive science of religion, which is the main topic of my dissertation. I mainly offer a critique of some of the reductionism in the cognitive science of religion while still affirming the need to use aspects of cognitive science to help us better understand religion. I argue that the concepts of emergence and top-down casuation provide a helpful corrective to the the reductionism of the CSR